Yingzhe Dong

Yingzhe Dong

Graduate Student of Computer Science

Boston University


I am a graduate student of Computer Science at Boston University and a full-stack developer with interests in software development, system architecture, and distributed system.

In October 2020, I published my academic paper BELT: A Pipeline for Stock Price Prediction Using News (IEEE Big Data 2020, first author).

In November 2020, I interned at KuaiShou Technology Co. as a data analyst.

In April 2022, I worked as a software development engineer intern at OPPO.

Now, I am a software development engineer intern at Yahoo.

My motto: Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives.

Three as most important in being a successful student: (1) self-motivation, (2) perseverance, and (3) focus.

Download my resumé.

  • Full stack development
  • System architecture
  • Distributed system
  • MSc in Computer Science, 2024

    Boston University

  • BSc in Fintech, 2021

    Northeastern University(China)


Software Engineer
May 2023 – Aug 2023 California, United States

Responsibilities include:

  • Worked on the Anti-Abuse team for HTTP traffic protection against malicious users using C++ and Lua.
  • Migrated our product to cloud by Kubernetes on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service, reducing 20% latency.
  • Applied Java, Python, and wrk2 to add multi-AZ performance and failover test suites to SafeT-AWS test bed.
  • Refactored a distributed hash table component for multi-AZ AWS deployment, cutting costs over 50%.
  • Utilized Screwdriver to build CI/CD pipelines, enhancing web application firewall and rate limiter efficiencies.
Software Engineer
Apr 2022 – Jul 2022 Beijing, China

Responsibilities include:

  • Created a face detection software module and integrated it into CV SDK using C++, which was used 800+ times.
  • Applied MNN and SNPE engines to deploy models on CPU and DSP chips on the ARM architecture.
  • Tested the performance of CV models on the mobile side by leveraging Android Debug Bridge (ADB).
  • Developed tools with custom model quantization and operator introduction functions by C++ and Flatbuffers.
  • Built a functional software module that can fuse multiple TFLite Graphs, reducing 60% message transfer time.
Data Analyst
Nov 2020 – Feb 2021 Beijing, China

Responsibilities include:

  • Set up a department data center from 0 to 1; drove and led the data reform and innovation.
  • Utilized SQL to retrieve data from Hive table and completed over 1,500 SQL queries.
  • Devised a visual data dashboard and a departmental data warehouse, decreasing data-querying time by 70%.
  • Upgraded analytics tools by adding sensitive video title capture function using Python, serving over 2,000 users.


BU-On-The-Go: An Integrated On-Campus Mobile App

BU-On-The-Go: An Integrated On-Campus Mobile App

We developed an integrated on-campus mobile app called bu-on-the-go, which includes features such as Comprehensive Scheduling, Task Prioritization, Campus Map Navigation, Class Engagement System, Study Group Collaboration, and Chat Room functionality.

Tech Stack: Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Python, Flask, MySQL

A Stream Processing System with State Disaggregation

A Stream Processing System with State Disaggregation

We’ve created a cutting-edge prototype for a disaggregated data stream processing system using a standalone control plane, allowing task-state separation. The control plane serves as a routing table for state access, enabling seamless job reconfiguration without causing any downtime or disruption.

Tech Stack: Java, gRPC, RocksDB, Etcd, Docker Compose, Prometheus, Grafana
